I hate the 100WC Now.
A Red Ladder was Sinking into a Pavement made out of Coins.
Yay I’m done with including the words Red Ladder Sinking Coins Pavement, and yes I have to do the 100
Word Challenge. In case you don't know what the 100WC it’s when you have to write a 100 word thing
about a picture or a phrase. So now i'm going to write a 32 word prompt. So I am now writing a 32 word
prompt. Now 21. Now 19. Now 17. Now 15. Now 13. Now 11. Now 9. Now 7. Now 5. Now 3. Now 1.
Yay I’m done with including the words Red Ladder Sinking Coins Pavement, and yes I have to do the 100
Word Challenge. In case you don't know what the 100WC it’s when you have to write a 100 word thing
about a picture or a phrase. So now i'm going to write a 32 word prompt. So I am now writing a 32 word
prompt. Now 21. Now 19. Now 17. Now 15. Now 13. Now 11. Now 9. Now 7. Now 5. Now 3. Now 1.
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